Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Starting Up Again?

After talking with my good friend Matt the other evening about blogging, I have decided to pray about and put forth the idea of a new direction for the blog.

I will be the first to admit that I am not the brightest (or even in the top 1000 brightest), Christian blogger(s) out there; nor do I have anything so important to say that someone else has not already addressed it. So, I have allowed my blog to languish - well, those reasons and I have been totally booked out time-wise.

But, after speaking with Matt - I thought that maybe I could work through Puritan books, just doing a type of 'book report' for those who might be interested in reading the Puritans. A reference point, if you will.

Again, there are sites out there that do this well already, but many of them are put up by scholars, and I am a simple country pastor in a small church. My perspective may not be as erudite, but it will be practical.

So, I plan on starting with Thomas Watson's The Godly Man's Picture.

We will see how this goes... Hopefully, I will talk to you soon....


David said...

Hey there,

I would encourage you to do contemporary literature as well. The Church does need to be pointed back to the good things in the past, but also pointed forward to the good things happening around them, and to the future.


Ray said...

While I say that this will be Puritans, there will be an occasional modern book that will creep in... :-)

There are several books I would like to comment on, and have done so in the past...

Thanks for the input...
